Source/Archive record (Archive) SLI16761 - South View Farm, Pedlar Lane, South Cockerington

Title South View Farm, Pedlar Lane, South Cockerington
Date/Year 2019


Archive for the programme of historic building recording, conducted to inform the construction of a new residential dwelling at South View Farm, Pedlar Lane, South Cockerington. The investigation recorded an unusual, largely subterranean structure, located to the west of the farmhouse. The structure was made of 19th century brick, and comprised of an arched roof attached to a square entryway. It was thought possible that the structure may have originally functioned as an ice house, before being later repurposed as a game larder.

External Links (0)



City and County Museum LCNCC 2019.132

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Game Larder, South View Farm, South Cockerington (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • South View Farm, Pedlar Lane, South Cockerington

Record last edited

Mar 21 2021 4:26PM



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