Source/Archive record (Report) SLI16579 - Mill House Farm, Moor Road, Walesby

Title Mill House Farm, Moor Road, Walesby
Date/Year 2020
HER Report no. 6450


Report on a programme of historic building recording, conducted to inform the proposed demolition and re-building of the farmhouse at Mill House Farm, to the north of Walesby. The house is thought to date to the mid 19th century, and is of two storeys, being built of brick covered by a cement-based render, and features a pitched, slate roof. Although not included in the detailed recording, a brief inspection was also made of the former corn mill of Normanby Mill, to the immediate north of the farmhouse. The earliest part of this building is constructed of random and uncoursed stone rubble, which may suggest an earlier, possibly medieval origin for the mill.

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HER Digital

Referenced Monuments (3)

Referenced Events (1)

  • Mill House Farm, Moor Road, Walesby

Record last edited

Jun 13 2020 4:06PM



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